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Ebook On Trails : An Exploration DJV, EPUB, FB2


From a brilliant new literary voice comes a groundbreaking exploration of how trails help us understand the worldfrom tiny ant trails to hiking paths that span continents, from interstate highways to the Internet. In 2009, while thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, Robert Moor began to wonder about the paths that lie beneath our feet: How do they form? Why do some improve over time while others devolve? What makes us follow or strike off on our own? Over the course of the next seven years, Moor traveled the globe, exploring trails of all kinds, from the miniscule to the massive. He learned the tricks of master trail-builders, hunted down long-lost Cherokee trails, and traced the origins of our road networks and the Internet. In each chapter, Moor interweaves his adventures with findings from science, history, philosophy, and nature writingcombining the nomadic joys of Peter Matthiessen with the eclectic wisdom of Lewis Hyde's The Gift . Throughout, Moor reveals how this single topicthe oft-overlooked trailsheds new light on a wealth of age-old questions: How does order emerge out of chaos? How did animals first crawl forth from the seas and spread across continents? How has humanity's relationship with nature and technology shaped world around us? And, ultimately, how does each of us pick a path through life? Moor has the essayist's gift for making new connections, the adventurer's love for paths untaken, and the philosopher's knack for asking big questions. With a breathtaking arc that spans from the dawn of animal life to the digital era, On Trails is a book that makes us see our world, our history, our species, and our ways of life anew., From a brilliant new literary voice, an astonishing exploration of how trails can help us understand the world from insect pheromone trails to the Appalachian Trail, from neural pathways to the Internet. In 2009, Robert Moor thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail. It was the culmination of a dream he d held since childhood and the beginning of a journey that would lead him to investigate trails of all kinds from tiny insect trails and neural pathways to sprawling buffalo trails, highway systems, even the internet. The result of his travels, "On Trails," explores what unites these networks and reveals in turn how trails allow us to make sense of our world. This is a book that combines the nomadic joys of "A Walk in the Woods "with the raw wisdom of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." Over the course of seven years, Moor travelled the globe, hiking from the Appalachians to the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. He tracked down the world s oldest trails, learned the tricks of master trail-builders and deer-hunters, visited elephant sanctuaries and tried his hand at herding sheep. In each chapter of this book, he combines a new adventure with a range of research, reaching into history, philosophy, science, psychology, and nature writing. Bit by bit, he shows how, by understanding the ways trails work, we can shed new light on age-old questions about how we live our lives: why we cooperate and why we stray; when to follow and when we lead; why some plans endure while others crumble into dust; why we set forth in the first place and what we re seeking. With a breathtaking arc that spans from the dawn of animal life to the digital era, "On Trails "is a stunningly original book. It offers new insight into the unseen worlds that surround us and an eye-opening perspective on humanity s place within and impact upon this planet.", Moor s book is enchanting "The Boston Globe" A wondrous nonfiction debut "Departures" Spectacular narrative nonfiction at its finest "Shelf Awareness" From a brilliant new literary voice comes a groundbreaking exploration of how trails help us understand the world from tiny ant trails to hiking paths that span continents, from interstate highways to the Internet. In 2009, while thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, Robert Moor began to wonder about the paths that lie beneath our feet: "How do they form? Why do some improve over time while others fade? What makes us follow or strike off on our own? "Over the course of the next seven years, Moor traveled the globe, exploring trails of all kinds, from the miniscule to the massive. He learned the tricks of master trail-builders, hunted down long-lost Cherokee trails, and traced the origins of our road networks and the Internet. In each chapter, Moor interweaves his adventures with findings from science, history, philosophy, and nature writing combining the nomadic joys of Peter Matthiessen with the eclectic wisdom of Lewis Hyde s "The Gift." Throughout, Moor reveals how this single topic the oft-overlooked trail sheds new light on a wealth of age-old questions: How does order emerge out of chaos? How did animals first crawl forth from the seas and spread across continents? How has humanity s relationship with nature and technology shaped world around us? And, ultimately, how does each of us pick a path through life? Moor has the essayist s gift for making new connections, the adventurer s love for paths untaken, and the philosopher s knack for asking big questions. With a breathtaking arc that spans from the dawn of animal life to the digital era, "On Trails" is a book that makes us see our world, our history, our species, and our ways of life anew.", The best outdoors book of the year Sierra Club Stunning A wondrous nonfiction debut Departures Moor s book is enchanting The Boston Globe A wanderer s dream The Economist From a brilliant new literary voice comes a groundbreaking exploration of how trails help us understand the world from tiny ant trails to hiking paths that span continents, from interstate highways to the Internet. In 2009, while thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, Robert Moor began to wonder about the paths that lie beneath our feet: How do they form? Why do some improve over time while others fade? What makes us follow or strike off on our own? Over the course of the next seven years, Moor traveled the globe, exploring trails of all kinds, from the miniscule to the massive. He learned the tricks of master trail-builders, hunted down long-lost Cherokee trails, and traced the origins of our road networks and the Internet. In each chapter, Moor interweaves his adventures with findings from science, history, philosophy, and nature writing combining the nomadic joys of Peter Matthiessen with the eclectic wisdom of Lewis Hyde s The Gift . Throughout, Moor reveals how this single topic the oft-overlooked trail sheds new light on a wealth of age-old questions: How does order emerge out of chaos? How did animals first crawl forth from the seas and spread across continents? How has humanity s relationship with nature and technology shaped world around us? And, ultimately, how does each of us pick a path through life? Moor has the essayist s gift for making new connections, the adventurer s love for paths untaken, and the philosopher s knack for asking big questions. With a breathtaking arc that spans from the dawn of animal life to the digital era, On Trails is a book that makes us see our world, our history, our species, and our ways of life anew."

On Trails : An Exploration by Robert Moor download book FB2, PDF

With trails that let toddlers follow the shapes of bunny and kitten ears, a trail that connects a caterpillar to a butterfly, and trails that let mommy animals find their babies, "Follow the Trail: Baby Animals" is perfect for hands-on learning.Preschoolers will love using their fingers to follow the shiny trails in DK's new Follow the Trail series.Extensive examples using actual data (with sample R programming code) are provided, illustrating diverse informatic sources in genomics, biomedicine, ecological remote sensing, astronomy, socioeconomics, marketing, advertising and finance, among many others.Introducing the mathematical foundations necessary to analyze realistic market models and scenarios, the handbook begins with a presentation of the dynamics and complexity of futures and derivatives markets as well as the portfolio optimization problem using quantum computers.The intuitive drag-and-drop interface helps you create interactive reports, dashboards, and visualizations, all without any special or advanced training.This book has the step-by-step guidance you need to learn how to use your phone's many features and functions.Whether you're working with robots in the living room or the classroom, this is the complete guide to EV3 programming that you've been looking for., The LEGO(R) MINDSTORMS(R) EV3 programming language is designed to allow anyone to program intelligent robots.The remainder of the book provides examples and tips and tricks for doing interesting things with data analysis programming.It adopts a largely non-mathematical approach relying on verbal and graphical intuition and covers most of the tools used in modern econometrics research e.g.Authored by highly-experienced academics and professionals in engineering statistics, the Second Edition features discussions on both popular and modern time series methodologies as well as an introduction to Bayesian methods in forecasting.Target audience includes Java, PHP and Ruby developers.Other topics include getting started with your iPhone, mastering the multi-touch interface, synchronizing your data, working in iCloud, making and receiving phone calls, making video calls with FaceTime, texting, working with the calendar, recording voice memos, summoning Siri, setting up iTunes and your iPhone, capturing photos and videos, finding and watching videos, surfing the web with Safari, sending and receiving e-mail, getting organized with Reminders, finding a person, place or thing with GPS maps, editing photos and videos, organizing and managing your photos, staying connected with Notification Center, buying music and videos from the iTunes store, browsing and downloading applications from the App Store, organizing apps in folders, multitasking on the iPhone, protecting your information, troubleshooting, and more!Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering presents the best practices of seasoned data miners in software engineering.Using this book, you'll get everything up and running, and then learn how to use Neo4j to build up recommendations, relationships, and calculate the shortest route between two locations.With this tried-and-true guidance, you ll be prepared to advocate for tools that adhere to data reporting standards, avoid misinterpretation of data, and improve the data use climate in your school.In each part, an introduction provides useful background material and an overview to set the stage for subsequent chapters.