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The Soul of Place : A Creative Writing Workbook: Ideas and Exercises for Conjuring the Genius Loci by Linda Lappin download ebook DOC, EPUB


In this engaging creative writing workbook, novelist and poet Linda Lappin presents a series of insightful exercises to help writers of all genresliterary travel writing, memoir, poetry, fiction, creative nonfictiondiscover imagery and inspiration in the places they love. Lappin departs from the classical concept of the "Genius Loci," the indwelling spirit residing in every landscape, house, city, or forestto argue that by entering into contact with the unique energy and identity of a place, writers can access an inexhaustible source of creative power. "The Soul of Place" provides instruction on how to evoke that power. The writing exercises are drawn from many fieldsarchitecture, painting, cuisine, literature and literary criticism, geography and deep maps, Jungian psychology, fairy tales, mythology, theater and performance art, metaphysicsall of which offer surprising perspectives on our writing and may help us uncover raw materials for fiction, essays, and poetry hidden in our environment. An essential resource book for the writer s library, this book is ideal for creative writing courses, with stimulating exercises adaptable to all genres. For writers or travelers about to set out on a trip abroad, "The Soul of Place" is the perfect road trip companion, attuning our senses to a deeper awareness of place.", In this extraordinary creative writing textbook, novelist and poet Linda Lappin presents a unique series of exercises to help writers of all genres -- poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, memoir, and literary travel writing -- discover inspiration in the soul of places they love. By entering into contact with the soul of a place, writers may access an inexhaustible source of creative power. The exercises in this book are drawn from varied fields: architecture, portraiture, cuisine, wine tasting, literature, literary criticism, geography, Jungian psychology, fairy tales, mythology, botany, anthropology, theater, comparative religion, occult philosophy, metaphysics. Originally developed for seminars Lappin teaches for adults, these exercises have also been adapted to younger writers in undergraduate writing programs. In simple language, she has adopted concepts from the Romanticpoets, French Symbolists, and English modernists to help all writers enrich their understanding of place. This ideal textbook for creative nonfiction courses, and general writing courses, has specific exercises for poets and fiction writers. It is also a sumptuous resource book for writing centers. For writers or writing students about to set out on a trip abroad, The Soul of Place is an inspiring traveling companion.

The Soul of Place : A Creative Writing Workbook: Ideas and Exercises for Conjuring the Genius Loci by Linda Lappin read online book EPUB, TXT, DJV

Clean, clear text, and array of supplementary materials make this affordable bible a perfect choice for gift-giving or individual study.A gripping firsthand testament to the power of good over the power of destruction.As the German Army advanced through Belgium, it failed to take the Ypres Salient.While there have been countless books that explore the real Elvis tucked beneath layers of showbiz mythology, such volumes often dismiss his motion picture career as insignificant or overlook his onscreen work entirely.Nearly 70 in-text black and white maps and charts.With super bounty hunter Ranger acting more mysteriously than ever (and the tension with vice cop Joe Morelli getting hotter), she finds herself with a decision to make: how to protect herself and where to hide while on the hunt for a killer known as the Junkman.Her distinctive libertarian synthesis is presented as a major contribution to radical social theory.