Social Justice: Revaluing Care in Theory, Law and Policy : Cycles and Connections (2016, Hardcover) download DOC, PDF, MOBI


Care is central to life, and yet is all too often undervalued, taken-for-granted, and hidden from view. This collection of fourteen substantive and highly innovative essays, along with its insightful Introduction, seeks to explore the different dimensions of care that shape social, legal and political contexts. It addresses these dimensions in four key ways. First, the contributions expand contemporary theoretical understandings of the value of care, by reflecting upon established conceptual approaches (such as the 'ethics of care') and developing new ways of using and understanding this concept. Second, the chapters draw on a wide range of methods, from doctrinal scholarship through ethnographic, empirical and biographical research methodologies. Third, the book enlarges the usual subjects of care research, by expanding its analysis beyond the more typical focus on familial interconnection to include professional care contexts, care by strangers, and care for and about animals. Finally, the collection draws on contributions from academics working in Europe and Australia, across law, anthropology, gender studies, politics, psychology and sociology. By highlighting the points of connection and tension between these diverse international and disciplinary perspectives, this book outlines a new and nuanced approach to care, exploring contemporary understandings of care across law, the social sciences and humanities., In light of contemporary debates and challenges, this book introduces a new framework for articulating the value of care. Existing work on care has cohered around three key themes: the need to value caring and domestic labour in law and society; the utility of a feminist ethics of care; and latterly, the limitations of care as a normative and conceptual framework. The proposed collection expands these themes: both theoretically, and in a movement beyond the usual focus on familial interconnection, to also include professional care contexts, care by strangers, and care for and about animals. Containing eighteen original analyses of care practices across a range of interdisciplinary and international contexts, it formulates a more nuanced 'cycles' approach to care that captures how subjects move between instances of care-receiving and care-giving. In this respect, the book proposes an approach to care that centralises embodied experiences of responsiveness and affect - both in relation to caring for and caring about different people, practices and places.

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