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- The Unidroit Principles in Practice : Caselaw and Bibliography on the Principles of Commercial Contracts (2006, Paperback) download ebook TXT, PDF, FB2


Since fall 2006: a new, revised edition of Unidroit Principles in Practice, featuring approximately 120-130 cases.The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contacts, published in 1994, were an entirely new approach to international contract law. Prepared by a group of eminent experts from around the world as a restatement of international commercial contract law, the Principles are not a binding instrument but are referred to in many legal matters. They are widely recognized now as a balanced set of rules designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are applied. The UNIDRIOT Principles in Practice provides a comprehensive collection of international caselaw and bibiliographic materials relating to the Principles. In particular, it contains:the text and official comments of the UNIDROIT Principles; over 70 decisions by courts and arbitral tribunals worldwide referring to the UNIDROIT Principles; a vast bibliography. In addition to a general bibliography, there are bibliographical references pertinent to individual articles.Published under the Transnational Publishers imprint., The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contacts, published in 1994, are an entirely new approach to international contract law. Prepared by a group of eminent experts from around the world as a 'restatement' of international commercial contract law, the Principles are not a binding instrument but are referred to in many legal matters. They are widely recognised as a balanced set of rules designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are applied. The UNIDRIOT Principles in Practice provides a comprehensive collection of international case law and bibiliographic materials relating to the Principles.

- The Unidroit Principles in Practice : Caselaw and Bibliography on the Principles of Commercial Contracts (2006, Paperback) EPUB, TXT, FB2

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